Aug 22, 2018 | Uncategorized
3 Common Dental Emergencies In our day to day lives, we are not often thinking about common dental emergencies. Also, we never expect such an accident to happen! These factors can contribute to panic when an emergency in our mouth happens, perhaps...
Mar 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
Bad Work Habits for Teeth The majority of us have a common denominator – work! Yes, back to the grind come Monday. However, while we are hard at work, we may not realize how harsh we are being on our teeth day after day. Without realizing it, we may have adopted...
Feb 2, 2018 | Uncategorized
What is a Dental Emergency? Lately you have been having dental problems but you reason it is not serious enough to give your dentist a call. After all, you have been so busy and you are afraid of the expenses that may come with your visit to the dentist. If you are...
Jan 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
What is a Tooth Abscess? In a way, you can think of a tooth abscess as a painful pimple, but in your mouth. An abscess is a pocket of puss that is caused by a bacterial infection. There are both periapical and periodontal abscesses. A periapical abscess occurs at the...