Apr 7, 2018 | Uncategorized
7 Things to do After a Tooth Extraction Tooth extractions happen every day. Although it is perfectly normal to be anxious about the procedure, there is no reason to be overly concerned. To ensure a successful extraction however, diligence is required by you, the...
Mar 25, 2018 | Uncategorized
Facial or Jaw Pain Perhaps you suffer from persistent headaches, popping/clicking noises when opening mouth, pain when biting , ear aches, or jaw tenderness. Have you experienced one or more of these? If you have, it may be steming from jaw or facial pain. The good...
Feb 18, 2018 | Uncategorized
3 Dental Myths Debunked There are so many ways we can truly benefit our dental health. The best place to receive such tips and instructions are at the dental office. But what about on the internet when you do some of your own research? That is a time to be very...