Need Metal Free Restorations?

Above all, Rancho Dental offers metal free restorations. Interestingly, many people should be asking, do I need metal free restorations? They may need them but do not know it. In fact, they may believe that since they have metal fillings from the past, they are safe. Please notice the following information.

Old Dental Practices

Presently we know restorations in the past required metal in the mouth. As a result, many people are unhappy and embarrassed about their smile because it looks like they have a grill in their mouth. Further, the work they had done looked dark and unnatural against their real teeth. Further, metal in the mouth is dangerous because it can leak, poisoning your body. Do you need metal free restorations?

A Modern Dental World

As is evident, black fillings are a thing of the past. In other words, they are history! These metal fillings can even be toxic and require removal. Thankfully, no longer is ugly, grey metal needed to strengthen dental restorations. Without a doubt, no one wants to look like the character Jaws in the James Bond movie series! First and foremost, choose metal free restorations! Additionally, porcelain crowns with gray at the gum-line can be eliminated with the help of Rancho Dental. In line with this, Dr. Perry has extensive training to deliver quality metal free restorations. He ensures to ask patients, “Do you need metal free restorations?”

As you can see, Dr. Perry loves making people happy and healthy with metal-free restorations! He knows many people need metal free restorations. As a matter of fact, we have our own website on which you can read all about our procedures and offers in detail. At this point, here are some of our metal free restorations options that you can read further about on our website. As you read, as yourself, “Do I need metal free restorations?”

Porcelain Crowns

All porcelain crowns are metal free restorations. They can aesthetically restore broken or badly decayed teeth. No longer is it necessary to reinforce porcelain with unsightly metal. This metal is what often causes greyness at the gum-line of unsightly crowns. In the hands of Dr. Perry, lifelike porcelain crowns can rival mother nature. Dr. Perry will help you select which of the all-porcelain, metal-free restorations options (Lava, Emay, Empress, Procera) is best for you, the respected patient.

Tooth Colored Fillings

Smaller areas of decay or damaged tooth can be repaired with tooth colored fillings that blend seamlessly with natural tooth structure. No longer do we need to use amalgam fillings that contain toxic mercury and turn black over time. Rancho Dental metal free restorations can help you.

Check Out Our Website

Arguably, modern dental materials are beautifying and strong. In fact, you can satisfy your curiosity about Metal Free Restorations on For example, you will see wonderful smiles with metal free restorations. In summary, if you need metal free restorations, come to us!