Invisalign Temecula Dentist

Invisalign Temecula

Dr. Perry uses only highly professional specialist for Invisalign Temecula. He always makes sure he only provides experienced dentists to take care of his patients. He recommends that only his most skilled dentists work with Invisalign and oral surgeries. Do you need Invisalign Temecula? 

Rancho Dental uses a specially trained Orthodontists, Dr. Roy Mitamoto. Dr. Mitamoto attended Washington University School of Dentistry. He practices in Orange County, along with here at Rancho Dental. He will help you to choose the braces you want, whether it may be Invisalign or Traditional. 

Traditional Orthodontics:

These braces generally provide you with the quickest and most precise results. Clear braces will give you a less noticeable appearance. Both options feel the same and will provide you with the same results. 


An even less obvious method of straightening your teeth. You will be using a series of clear removable trays that straighten you teeth. Invisalign is not appropriate for every case. 

Invisalign Temecula

Why is Invisalign Temecula so great? 

  • Clear trays so it will give a less noticeable appearance, while still straightening your teeth.
  • Easily take it out to clean, sing, eat, play sports, etc.
  • Discomfort is minimal.
  • No one knows you are going through treatments.