What a year we all have had!  Its been in a word, Crazy!  Yet here we are, we are moving forward, and making the best of things!  We are so happy that our office is COVID 19 compliant, and our goal is to keep you safe, and of course we stay safe too.   Things will get better and in the meantime, we keep doing all we can to make life the best it can be.    Something that is  very important…. many  have dental insurance that provides certain coverage that has to be used each calendar year, so please call us today  to see what you need to schedule, as most have their services reset in 2021.  Take advantage of what you have for your dental insurance to have your cleaning, or any dental work that is needed done before the end of the year.   December and November are holiday season, and sometimes flu season too, so unexpected things happen.  Get scheduled soon before the end of the year rush.  Use your dental insurance wisely!  And we will help you!   Call today at 951-699-4746