We all know Rancho Dental, your dental implants Murrieta, does a fantastic job with dental implants, one of our titles being dental implants Murrieta! For those who are unaquainted with what a dental implant is for, it is an option considered by many people who are loosing or have unsightly missing teeth. It wil restore their confidence and self esteem. Dental implants Murrieta has helped countless patients to regain their self esteem with quality dental implants. Dr. Perry is highly qualified to help the families he services and has worked very hard to give you the service he avails. He enjoys his patients being up to date with his services. Dental implants Murrieta wants to tell everyone some more intriguing information about dental implants!
According to “The Dental Implant Experts”:
“It has been estimated that 69 percent of Americans age 35 to 44 have at least one missing tooth, and one in four over the age of 74 have lost ALL their natural teeth.”
“Many options exist to replace missing teeth but only one – dental implants – provides the feel, function and appearance of natural teeth.”
“Ancient dental implants have been traced back to around 600 AD, when tooth-like pieces of shell were hammered into the jaw of a Mayan woman. Thank goodness for contemporary dentistry.”
To the Murrieta community- let us take care of your dental implants Murrieta needs!