Cavities and Fillings Murrieta
Where can you go to take care of cavities and fillings Murrieta? There are so many dentists to choose from in the Temecula Valley area. Very few of them have the same experience and values as Dr. Perry. Dr. Perry has worked with countless cavities and fillings Murrieta! Here are some of Dr. Perry’s qualifications:
- He attended the University of California at Davis for his undergraduate studies.
- He then attended the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry, graduating in 1983.
- Dr. Perry opened his Temecula dental practice in 1989. Temecula has been home for almost 30 years.
- Dr. Perry has been called a distinguished mentor at the Kois Center in Seattle Washington (a prestigious center for post graduate dental education).
- The Las Vegas Institute for Cosmetic Dentistry (LVI), a leading center for cosmetic dentistry, presents many courses, many of which Dr. Perry has attended.
He has attended:
- American Dental Association
- California Dental Society
- Tri- County Dental Society
- Seattle Study Club
- DOCS – Doctors for Oral Conscious Sedation
Dr. Perry donates his time to the Temecula Assistance League Smile Program, providing dental treatment to under-privileged children.
If you have ever had a cavity, you know how irritating and painful they can be! When you visit your dentist regularly for cavities and fillings Murrieta, you protect yourself from the possibility of having to get a cavity ridden tooth pulled. If you have a cavity but you don’t have to get your teeth pulled, then a filling is in order! It will seal your tooth so that no more “gunk” can further infect your tooth.
Call Rancho Dental Temecula Today for Cavities and Fillings Murrieta!