April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Since April is Oral Cancer awareness month, Dr. Perry provided a special message on our website regarding this deadly disease. In that video, he said mentioned that studies have shown oral cancer to kill 1 American every hour! As the month of April comes to a close, we would like to further inform our readers about the risks, symptoms, and dental treatment for oral cancer.

Rancho Dental Exams

With every cleaning and exam appointment at Rancho Dental, you will receive an oral cancer screening. Both the doctor and hygienists perform this screening. As with any form of cancer, early detection is the key to the cure. Thus we encourage you to keep up with your dental visits to take advantage of this vital exam.

What is involved in an Oral Cancer Screening?

We use X-rays, one of which is called a Panoramic X-ray, which reveals both the upper and lower jaw. This allows the Doctor to determine any abnormalities or changes in the bone. During the exam, your dentist will look in your mouth for such warning signs as sores, red or white patches, or a lump, thickening, rough spot, crust or small eroded area.

Do Not Skip Your Next Cleaning

As you can see, an oral cancer screening may just save your life. Therefore, do not you’re your next cleaning appointments! For further information please see Dr. Perry’s video on our website Ranchodental.net.